So I was tipped by fade from #3dfx that Channel 4 was showing a programme where a group of scientists and a TV Presenter were dissecting a human body. With my intuition guiding me steady, I didn't hesitate to run to the living room and turn on the TV. I was stunned beyond imagination, almost. I am not a squeamish person, ever since seeing Predator at the age of 2 or something I am never sqeamish towards any sort of 'blood and guts' spectacle.
A quite apparantly german man was cutting open with a bunch of play knives, the lungs of a man, the heart of a man and they were teaching the audience about how the body works. This is, in several years one of the most interesting television programmes that I dared to watch on the TV, since I really rarely go near it. I immediately though how well planned out it all was and thought I'd write it down here. Not like I write down crap here that often anyways, once in a while if you make an extraordinary self-finding discovery you want to make note of it somewhere.
SO, I saw the programme and thought "hey good job people, finally something interesting and worth watching in terms of education!" .. "and I really like how it is all set up, with the pictures of the 17th century operating tables where a group of doctors cut open some no good beggar!". The show is called Anatomy for Beginners or something creative like that.
Oh, I also managed to get the hang of eBay! On the weekend I had a little shopping spree, I bought a palm M500 PDA to keep myself organized for just 30 pounds and some other various junk that should arrive here shortly. Soon I think I'll be able to sell stuff I don't really need anymore :)
Uhh yeah, so back to more Curb Your Enthusiasm. I love this show only for reasons I do not comprehend. I just don't get it, Larry keeps putting himself in the most disastrous and god-forsaken situations and I find myself whining to the LCD screen "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! JUST APOLOGIZE AND MOVE ALONG!! GOD!! " But really, it's what a friend called 'Situation Comedy' and dear god the situations are unpleasant to watch sometimes ... not like I am one of those sensitive people in the audience that has the bag of popcorn flying everywhere as I am shouting at the screen with irrelevant comments and remarks.
I am looking for a job, I've been semi-busy with that and it looks like I am waiting for something but I'm not sure why.... soon I will find the right part-time accounting related job.
They say patience is a virtue, and I repeat the phrase too much only because it is so true. I have the patience for nearly everything in the world, most of all my girlfriend but not that rotten laptop of hers that CONSTANTLY has one problem, another problem then a tenth problem with one thing after another, I just can't be bothered with it, you know what I say, get a new one
we wanted to play games together anyways to pass the long-distance time
Back to doing
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