A cabbie picks up a nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the veryhandsome cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he isstaring.
He replies: "I have a question to ask you, but I don't want to offend you"She answers, "My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am andhave been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear justabout everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that Iwould find offensive."
"Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me."
She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that. #1, you have to besingle and #2, you must be Catholic."
The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!"
"OK" the nun says. "Pull into the next alley." The nun fulfils the cabdriver's fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when theyget back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.
"My dear child," said the nun, why are you crying?"
"Forgive me but I have sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married andI'm Jewish."
The nun says, "That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloweenparty."
Ok so I am sitting on this wonderful rainy morning here at home in London while trying to do a few things such as order a new Cellphone, look for a job, ask about driving licence inquiries etc., when I realize that the whole of the United Kingdom is built on this annoying system of politics.
I can't stand it. Write us a letter, call us and wait for a few hours in line ... we won't do a damn thing for you!
It really is true, no matter where you go it is always line ups, filling out forms, marketing scams. What is wrong with this world, I think we should just all be able to fight over what's right and if that means pushing the granny infront of the queue out of the way, then be it. I've had enough of wasting precious time to do just ONE little tiny peice of work.
I am waiting for my Credit Check to go through for my new Samsung D500 on Orange ... i've been told it takes time, but not when a whole day is wasted because of their laziness.
Now I am going to go make some tea and eat cookies and I hope that I receive that magic phone call.
So I was tipped by fade from #3dfx that Channel 4 was showing a programme where a group of scientists and a TV Presenter were dissecting a human body. With my intuition guiding me steady, I didn't hesitate to run to the living room and turn on the TV. I was stunned beyond imagination, almost. I am not a squeamish person, ever since seeing Predator at the age of 2 or something I am never sqeamish towards any sort of 'blood and guts' spectacle.
A quite apparantly german man was cutting open with a bunch of play knives, the lungs of a man, the heart of a man and they were teaching the audience about how the body works. This is, in several years one of the most interesting television programmes that I dared to watch on the TV, since I really rarely go near it. I immediately though how well planned out it all was and thought I'd write it down here. Not like I write down crap here that often anyways, once in a while if you make an extraordinary self-finding discovery you want to make note of it somewhere.
SO, I saw the programme and thought "hey good job people, finally something interesting and worth watching in terms of education!" .. "and I really like how it is all set up, with the pictures of the 17th century operating tables where a group of doctors cut open some no good beggar!". The show is called Anatomy for Beginners or something creative like that.
Oh, I also managed to get the hang of eBay! On the weekend I had a little shopping spree, I bought a palm M500 PDA to keep myself organized for just 30 pounds and some other various junk that should arrive here shortly. Soon I think I'll be able to sell stuff I don't really need anymore :)
Uhh yeah, so back to more Curb Your Enthusiasm. I love this show only for reasons I do not comprehend. I just don't get it, Larry keeps putting himself in the most disastrous and god-forsaken situations and I find myself whining to the LCD screen "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! JUST APOLOGIZE AND MOVE ALONG!! GOD!! " But really, it's what a friend called 'Situation Comedy' and dear god the situations are unpleasant to watch sometimes ... not like I am one of those sensitive people in the audience that has the bag of popcorn flying everywhere as I am shouting at the screen with irrelevant comments and remarks.
I am looking for a job, I've been semi-busy with that and it looks like I am waiting for something but I'm not sure why.... soon I will find the right part-time accounting related job.
They say patience is a virtue, and I repeat the phrase too much only because it is so true. I have the patience for nearly everything in the world, most of all my girlfriend but not that rotten laptop of hers that CONSTANTLY has one problem, another problem then a tenth problem with one thing after another, I just can't be bothered with it, you know what I say, get a new one
we wanted to play games together anyways to pass the long-distance time
Back to doing ...work... lazy..work.
...never really went anywhere!
Well, with the [good] exploits of the past month well behind me, I have adjourned back to London, UK for an entirely new and rather difficult lifestyle. My trip to Toronto went very well, time was of the essence to me and of course, it flew by me faster than a speeding red-neck in a Jeep.
Arriving in London after an accelerated-by-the-tailwind flight AC862 from Toronto on Saturday morning left me in a state of almost permanent jet-lag. I am one of those people that like to go to sleep very late and wake up late consecutively, for no apparent reason, even if I know that when I could go to sleep at an earlier time, waking up earlier it would give me the same amount of time in the day only, I would not get as tired sitting at the computer!
I have engaged a part-time job hunt, proving to be almost completely illustrious. It's difficult to find a job you want here in London, you just have to ... know people :)
I have also bought a new USB headset for use with the greatest program ever, called Skype ( www.skype.com ). Plantronics DSP100, I'll post my opinions later. And with that purchase I bought the THX-certified Logitech Z2300 speakers, something I've been dreaming of for many years now, I'll post pics as soon as I can unpack it ... my camera seemed to have run out of battery life while I wasn't using it. Curious.